H&H Home Ec: Grout Cleaner

Can we have a super real, honest (somewhat icky) moment? Because I feel like we’re all friends here, and with your friends, you can share things. Important things. Secret things you don’t want to tell anyone. Like how you had mildew plaguing your upstairs bathroom. */hangs head/* Grout cleaner is a totally acceptable topic between friends, right?

Our master bath in the new (old) house is far down the list for a remodel. We have bigger fish to fry. But because it doesn’t have a fan, it is plagued with mildew. I’d tried several products and just could not seem to scrub the black stuff away. I dread shower time. Enter: Mrs. Meyers Multi-Surface Spray Cleaner. This spray + a designated cleaning toothbrush is all you need!

H&H Home Ec: Cleaning Grout | Hannah & Husband

We’re big fans of Mrs. Meyers products, but I had no idea the same thing we use on our kitchen countertops could get rid of that horrid black stuff. I sprayed it on, let it sit for a couple minutes, and then scrubbed away. Clean grout achieved!

Whew! I feel better. We’ll keep this just between us 😉

For more Home Ec posts, click here.

Bonus: there’s a 20% off coupon on Amazon for this magic spray right now.


Last night, I got home around twilight. I pulled a can of champagne from the fridge (Yes, that’s just as ridiculous as it sounds. See comments below.), and proceeded to take a little walk around the yard.

The angel trumpets have exploded and there are several new flowers that I need to look up. There’s a path I’m hoping to line with bricks this weekend. Then, when I walked into our side yard, I looked up and saw the waxing crescent moon perfectly framed between the silhouettes of the trees.

Twilight at Rivermont | Hannah & Husband

Quiet walks outside can offer the most brilliant moments of peace, don’t you think?

Paint the Town Red… Coral… Tangerine… Persimmon

Here’s a dirty little secret: I am super unproductive as a creator of fabulous things when Husband goes out of town. I do not paint the town red. I kind of get in a funk and only do the bare minimum–laundry, dishes, shower. Last night, I went to an HOA meeting and then got completely engrossed in the Walt Disney American Experience on PBS. Also eating ice cream in my pajamas. My original plan was to write thank you notes and do some design work… Fail.

So to remedy this, I’ve made a To Do list full of mostly left-brained tasks that can easily be completed and checked off. At the top I’ve written:

“Pick out pretty paint chips.”

Tonight, I’m hoping for my own Mrs. Blandings moment… because my bedroom is currently beige. Beige! And that’s not a color I choose to recognize.

If you’re in a painting mood, here are a few posts I wrote about painting our first house:

Picking an Exterior Color Palette

Then, Hannah Went Over to the Dark Side

Four Generations of Rivermont

This weekend was off-the-charts epic beginning with a special visit on Friday afternoon. As we were running around getting ready for my 30th Birthday Bash, three very special guests stopped by.

We’ve been lucky enough to get to meet all four Kerr boys that grew up in this house including Chris, who lived here with his own family when we bought it. He is such a sweetheart, and, being a fellow history-nerd, we found an instant connection. So as a birthday surprise, he brought over two members of Rivermont’s living history for us to meet.

Four Generations at Rivermont | Hannah & Husband

(R to L) Hannah and James Slaughter, Christopher Kerr, Frank Pettaway, Whitney Dunford (and Angel) | Photo by Christopher Kerr

Whitney Dunford (seated on the far right) is the granddaughter of the very first family to live at Rivermont the Harveys. Next to her is Frank Pettaway. Frank lived at Rivermont with his grandparents who owned the house from 1936-1957. I’m hoping this will be the first of a few visits with these two! It was so exciting to hear about the house’s beginnings. Frank even started naming off the animals that lived on the land when it was still a working farm.

Frank is holding a painting of Rivermont done by W. Russell Briscoe in 1939. With the exception of a tree here and there, the “ol’ barn” as Nancy called it remains unchanged. It was so special to get a glimpse of the painting in person! Briscoe is somewhat of a folk art legend here in East Tennessee. He was an insurance man that served on several boards in Knoxville. But his wife, Deas Adams, seemed to be the one that encouraged his artistic side.

During the Great Depression, they started a toy company, and I’ve read that their dollhouses were even sold in FAO Schwartz. This painting of Rivermont is said to be one of his earliest–he wouldn’t actually start painting seriously for nearly two decades. But it does display the saturated colors of his other paintings. And bonus, it shows my very favorite angle of the house! (Click to see this eerily similar picture I took a few weeks ago.)

Briscoe’s paintings are bright depictions of small town life with a somewhat flattened style that brings the scene closer to the viewer. Each painting is a nostalgic view of the subject and will make you feel like you’re looking at memories rather than specific places. (Click here to see more paintings by W. Russell Briscoe.) 

Four Generations at Rivermont | Hannah & Husband

When we bought the house, Chris presented us with a framed print of Briscoe’s Rivermont painting signed by each of the “Kerr boys” that were at closing. It hangs in our dining room.

Katharine Hepburn at 30

On the occasion of my thirtieth, I found myself going down one of the many rabbit holes of the interwebs. I began googling all my favorite stars to see what they were up to at 30. Katharine Hepburn at 30, Myrna Loy at 30, Oprah Winfrey at 30, etc.

If you choose to do this yourself, it would be my suggestion that you just go ahead and skip Beyonce and Grace Kelly. Trust me. You say you’ll do it anyway? Fine: Bey (2011) was the highest-paid performer per minute in the world her 30th year. Grace Kelly (1959) had already completed her acting career and moved on to the title of princess. It’s alright, they’re not the star of this post anyway. Let’s move on.

When Myrna Loy turned 30 (1935), she’d just started playing Nora Charles–the seemingly definitive role of her career. (Click here for the Thin Man cocktail guide.)

Mary Richards was moving into her Minneapolis apartment. (Click her for the style file.)

Oprah (*/cue angels singing/*) relocated to Chicago to host a half-hour morning talk show. The first episode aired 27 days before her 30th birthday (1984). (Click here to read my open letter to Oprah’s hair.) 

And Martha Stewart? (All hail Martha. Martha!) In 1971, homegirl hadn’t even started her catering company yet.

Katherine Hepburn at 30 | Hannah & Husband

So why is this post titled “Katharine Hepburn at 30”? Well, Hepburn had just starred in two of my favorite films of all time–Bringing Up Baby and Holiday–both with Cary Grant, both playing strong female leads. In fact, Bringing Up Baby is now considered a definitive movie of the “screwball comedy” genre. But it was after these two movies and around her 30th, that Ms. Hepburn was labeled “box office poison” in Hollywood.

Box Office Poison?!?

A little harsh, don’t you think? Haters gonna hate.

So what was a girl to do? Well, Katharine Hepburn bought out her contract with RKO. She turned to the stage to play Ms. Tracy Lord in “The Philadelphia Story”–a role written specifically for her by Philip Barry. The role was so perfect for her that before the play hit the stage, she acquired the rights to the film. (Her friend Howard Hughes is said to have bought them for her as a gift.) Then, she sold them to MGM on the condition that she would star. Which she did alongside who else? Cary Grant, of course! It got her praise, accolades, another Oscar nomination, and Spencer Tracy–well lots of movies with Spencer Tracy and then, eventually, Spencer Tracy.

Katherine Hepburn at 30 | Hannah & Husband

“It’s life isn’t it? You plow ahead and make a hit. And you plow on and someone passes you. Then someone passes them. Time levels.”

-Katharine Hepburn

And, just because I think it’s a cool, Grace Kelly played Tracy Lord sixteen years later in the musical version, High Society. It was her last film role. (Click here for the style file.) 

This Is 30

This is 30 | Hannah & Husband

The reaction has been funny (or maybe sad) and always the same. “Thirty, huh? How do you feel about that?”

So to answer the question once and for all: Today I am 30, and I am freaking stoked about it!!! 

I’m not kidding. Today I was grinding my coffee while dancing and, as the beans kept flying out the top of the grinder, I was all like, “La la la, I’m 30!” 

I sang and danced all the way to work this morning. (Seriously guys, this album.) 

Life is unpredictable and uncontrollable, but I’ve never been one of those “oh, to be 22 again” sorta gals. I have better stories now. I have a better marriage. I have more challenging conversations. I have better friends. And I have more fun! 

Over the past couple of years I’ve been reminded that life can end at any moment. Let’s love people and party on the regular—preferably with sparkly drinks and fine china. 

What a Week, Huh?

Lemon, It's Wednesday | Hannah & Husband

You guys, this week is a little crazy. There are Rivermont projects in the works, we are both busy at work, I turn 30 tomorrow (THIRTY!), and last night our fav newslady profiled us. You can watch the clip below. (disclaimer: I’m mainly posting this for my parents who don’t live here in town… Hi, Mom! Hi!!!)

Hello! & salutations to the new readers who I’ve noticed popping up on our Facebook page & instagram. Today, I thought it would be fun to share eight random facts to break the ice.

1. In seventh grade, James was voted best dressed. He was wearing an Elvis costume.

2. When Hannah was 5, she wanted to marry Johnny Carson.

3. When we first started dating, we bonded over old-school jazz like Ella Fitzgerald. (Read about My Love Affair with Ella here.)

4. We love road trips. (Click here to see the pics from our trip to Middleton Place, an old plantation in Charleston, South Carolina.) 

5. We shop vintage. (Click here to learn Husband’s trick for getting the goodwill smell our of thrifted suits. Click here to see what I did with Nana’s button collection.)

6. We drive old cars. (Like this one and this one.)

7. You’ll want this recipe for Woo-Woo’s sugar cookies.

8. And, finally, (because I’ve been asked several times this week) here’s how I do my hair.

So glad to make your acquaintance! We’ll be back to regularly scheduled programming tomorrow.

How to Start Composting

Whew! Happy Tuesday! You know what I like about 3 days weekends? You can spend one day binge-watching Wet Hot American Summer all afternoon and another working your hind end off. This weekend included some serious DIY projects–cutting, priming, painting, landscaping–moving a new (used) refrigerator, and a failed beer cheese recipe. And while I will share pics of all of that in the near future, today I thought I’d tell you about one way we try to stay green. So here it is: “How to Start Composting.”

How to Start Composting | Hannah & Husband

The side of the garage before Husband worked his magic…

How to Start Composting | Hannah & Husband

The side of the garage after with our new compost bin.

While the timing of our move to Rivermont was absolutely perfect, I missed my summer garden. I am not fabulous at container gardening. A couple weeks ago, I picked up 3 pots of herbs and set them on the back porch. I found them Saturday. We had a brief ceremony and hummed Amazing Grace before tossing their shriveled remains.

But I love taking a little plot of land and watching food–real food–pop up out of the dirt. (Cue Oliver Wendell Douglas’ oration on farming here. #greenacres4lyfe) So I’m looking forward to next Spring’s garden by starting a compost bin. The best thing about compost is how much it helps cut down on our trash! The site of landfills turns my stomach so we are really trying to reduce our waste.

Compost is basically broken down organic materials that act as a superfood to your garden soil. It’s made up of 50% carbon materials (browns) and 50% nitrogen materials (greens). These are stored in a bin that is sealed enough to keep out animals but also has a few holes to allow air to circulate.

How to Start Composting | Hannah & Husband

I ordered this one from Amazon and put it together in about an hour. (Turn on a good podcast because there are A LOT of screws.) Our local tractor supply stores usually carry compost bins in the Spring because that’s the easiest time to get started. There are scraps from vegetables grown in the garden or clippings from mowing your lawn. Plus, it doesn’t have to fight freezing temps. But, as the carbon and nitrogen work to start breaking down, the mixture will heat up itself so the most important thing to do is just to be sure it has enough of each–greens and browns.

How to Start Composting | Hannah & Husband

What to Compost

Fruit and veggie scraps : GREEN

Eggshells : Neutral

Leaves : BROWN

Coffee grounds and tea bags: GREEN

Dryer lint : BROWN

Shredded newspaper, cardboard, toilet paper rolls (avoid glossy finishes or too much ink) : BROWN

Wood chips, saw dust : BROWN

Grass and garden clippings : GREEN

Stale bread and cooked pasta : BROWN

Never Add…


Dog Poo
Invasive Weeds (like ivy)

Now that you know what to throw in there are just three other things to note. The first is that your bin should avoid direct sunlight. Our’s is in a partly sunny spot to avoid the crazy Tennessee summer sun. The mixture will heat up because: science. It doesn’t need too much help from the sun.

Second, mix your compost (or turn your bin a few times if it’s suspended like ours) every 2-3 days.

Finally, be sure that your mixture stays moist. You want it to be the dampness of a sponge. If the mixture is too wet or starts to smell a bit like rotten eggs, add browns. And if it’s too dry, just sprinkle on a bit of water.

Next Spring, we’ll be set!

Birthday Cake Candle Alternatives

Birthday Cake Candle Alternatives | Hannah & Husband

Today happens to be the birthday of one handsome husband! He shares the day with our favorite local TV personality, Abby Ham. So today I was up bright and early to talk birthday cakes with Abby on Mornings with Fox 43. Yesterday, I took a little poll via social media to find out what people would most like to learn and the winner (hands-down) was birthday cake candle alternatives. So here are 4 fun ways to decorate a birthday cake, no candles required!

Birthday Cake Candle Alternatives | Hannah & Husband Birthday Cake Candle Alternatives | Hannah & Husband Birthday Cake Candle Alternatives | Hannah & Husband Birthday Cake Candle Alternatives | Hannah & Husband

Moonshine on HGTV

Leave it to yours truly to bring a little moonshine to the HGTV Urban Oasis party! Today on the Dreams Happen blog, you’ll find the recipe for a Troy & Sons moonshine Bloody Mary. And, if you don’t get your fill, here are a couple throwback posts to check out:

My recipe for Tennessee Mountain Punch.

Husband’s repurposed steamer trunk bar. 

Bars & Moonshine | Hannah & Husband