I heard a podcast a couple of weeks ago that really stood out and motivated me, and I plan on going back and listening one more time: Alton Brown talks with Robert Sparks about art and art collecting. Hannah and I have always been interested in surrounding ourselves with beautiful things, but also that it is a duty for people to support artists by buying their work. Too often people thing “I can make that”, or something similar, but if you like the art don’t steal the idea–buy it and support the creator.
The grass grow (or not).

Hannah recently bought me a beautiful edition of “The Catcher in the Rye”. This is one I missed in school (not that I likely would have read it had it been assigned. I’ve made a commitment to myself to go back and read or reread some standards of literature now that I’m a little less, well, a little less of a Holden.
I really love cool podcasts and have recently become addicted to one in particular:
The Dinner Party Download. Each week hosts Rico Gagliano and Brendan Francis Newnam share news, stories, and even cocktail recipes and etiquette lessons to help you dazzle friends and strangers alike at the next dinner party you attend. The pace is quick and the guests are always fantastic. (Particular favorites recently include:
BJ Novak reading a piece from his new book and
Wes Anderson talking about his new film.)
Ok, I know not everyone is as into podcasts as I am, but there’s one more that I loved hearing recently. It was all about
I Love Lucy and was a part of Studio 360’s American Icons series. Basically, it gave a lot of the history behind how the show was made but, more than that, how it has influenced everything that came after– female lead, characters seeking fame, an interracial couple, Cuba. And then this, which I watch every time I start to get really cynical about this great country of ours (which Husband can tell you is often)…
Other Places Hannah’s Been Lately:
HGTV’s Design Happens
Made + Remade
March was “Wear It” month on Made + Remade, and I had the privilege of interviewing designer, knitter, & author
Emma Robertson for our Creative Genius series.
See the Q&A here.
How YA Fiction Works
Attention fellow bibliophiles, my friend Casey recently launched a blog:
How YA Fiction Works. I was lucky enough to help her pull together the look for her new site where she analyzes what works (and so often doesn’t) about Young Adult fiction. Be sure to click over and check it out.
(You may also want to follow Casey on twitter:
@CaseyMarieNYC. Her thoughts in 140 characters or less are among my favorites.)