It’s Time to Color! Coloring Pages for

Some of you may remember that I instagrammed a mandala I was doodling recently. Well, it was part of a bigger project I just did for Coloring Pages!

Coloring Pages for | Hannah & Husband

There are 5 designs to download and color while you’re watching tv, flying to see family over the holiday, or sitting at your desk on those super long conference calls. It’s such a relaxing activity and made me think of the hours Grandma and I put in on all those Snoopy coloring books when I was little.

Click here to download all 5 on You’ll also see a few ways you can use the final products. The best part? They’re free!

Coloring Pages for | Hannah & Husband

If you end up coloring, we’d love to see! Instagram them and tag @diynetwork & @hb_belle


If you’re interested in what I do when I’m not blogging? Click here to see

Photography Extraordinary and Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland Sculpture in Central Park | Lewis Carroll's  Photography Extraordinary on Hannah & Husband

Home again, home again, jiggity-jig! One unplanned detour through Atlanta and we are home–after a wonderful, whirlwind of a trip to The Big Apple. On this trip I tried not to take as many pictures and really just soak everything in. But on Sunday, one of my favorites and I went to see the 150 Years of Wonderland exhibit at the Morgan Library. It was there that I read about Lewis Carroll’s humorous essay “Photography Extraordinary” and, if you’ll excuse the pun, went down a bit of a rabbit hole.

Sketch of the White Rabbit from the Morgan Library's Alice in Wonderland Exhibition | Lewis Carroll's Photography Extraordinary on Hannah & Husband

In 1855, Carroll published an essay anonymously in The Comic Times called “Photography Extraordinary” that spoofed this new invention of photography. (It’s worth noting that Carroll later became an accomplished portrait photographer himself.) You can read the full text here, as part of the Morgan Library’s online exhibition, which is really fantastic in its own right. The premise was that this new machine could capture the idea of a dunce and, through further development, make it sound brilliant. He then suggests that the same mechanism be applied to the speeches of Parliament. Ha!

As I started thinking about this idea of repetition leading to full development, I started seeing it in John Tenniel’s illustrations for Wonderland as well as the work of many other artists. For instance, The White Rabbit, shown above, appeared repeatedly on sketches throughout the collection. Little details like the lines around his eyes or the length of his ears would change but his essence was always there. (For the record, of all the rabbits, the sketch above was decidedly my favorite.)

Alice in Wonderland Sculpture in Central Park | Lewis Carroll's Photography Extraordinary on Hannah & Husband

Much like an artist, the chef works out the flaws of a knife technique as they become more comfortable with the practice. A musician works out the nuance of a piece as they become more in tune with the placement of actions and the rhythm. The truth and meaning come out as the writer employs different ways of stating their opinion. And perhaps your mother was right: Practice does make perfect.

Related Post: How to Work Through an Idea

Reclaimed Book

Last week, in Video 002, I shared a peek at this reclaimed book I’ve been working on. Today I thought I’d give you a closer look.  It’s a library book that was withdrawn after years of wear & tear and left in the free bin at a local book store.

I started on the page with the Random House logo, and ideas proceeded from there. If you look closely at the dedication page, it reads:

Dedicated to the memory of my dear home life.

Happy coincidence, no? Now with the help of pens, paste, and colored pencils, it’s slowly becoming a book about our home, our favorite objects and activities.

Reclaimed Book Project: Home | Hannah & Husband

Reclaimed Book Project: Home | Hannah & Husband

Reclaimed Book Project: Home | Hannah & Husband

Reclaimed Book Project: Home | Hannah & Husband

Reclaimed Book Project: Home | Hannah & Husband

Reclaimed Book Project: Home | Hannah & Husband


We made it! TGIF! As you get your brain into weekend mode, here are a few of my favorite things from around the web this week.

It's Me Hilary: The Man Who Drew Eloise | TGIF! Hannah & Husband

I am ridiculously excited about “It’s Me, Hilary: The Man Who Drew Eloise,” an upcoming documentary on HBO by Lena Dunham and Matt Wolf. Hilary Knight has long been one of my very favorite illustrators. I love his style, but I also love that each time I look at one of his illustrations, I find a new detail that adds so much charm to the story.

Jack White has finally “made it.”

Sarah Soloman is one of my favorite twitter-ers. (No, I will not use the word “tweeps.” We are not in a Lindsay Lohan movie.) This week she wrote a guide to “The 6 Different Types of Guys You’ll Date in Your 20s: Preppy Edition” for Town & Country. It is eerily accurate. For our purposes, a line about The Southern Prep

 He has a thing for Famous Grouse and Wild Turkey
in both bird and bottle form. 

President Obama and Noah McQueen on Story Corps | TGIF! Hannah & Husband

Disclaimer before we begin: I never listen to Story Corps. If I want my news in the morning with a dose of fun or touchy-feely, I’ll watch the Today Show because then it at least comes with a side of Matt, Al, & Willie. Otherwise, just tell me what’s happening in Washington and what the weather is–please and thank you. But this morning, Obama was on Story Corps with Noah McQueen, an 18 year old White House mentee that’s part of the My Brother’s Keeper program. The conversation is totally worth a listen. And (bonus) this one won’t make you cry; it will just make you really proud to be an American. (cue Lee Greenwood)

Caryn Schafer on Design Mom

Finally, if you’ve ever thought of raising a family in the city, my friend Caryn Schafer shared her story on Design Mom this week. Her insights into motherhood are honest and beautiful. Plus, you’ll find yourself wondering how many books she really does own.

Snow Days and New Work

Snow in Springbrook Park | Hannah & Husband
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times: “If it’s going to be cold and grey, the least it could do is snow!” Well this has been one of the snowiest weeks I can ever remember, and I’ve been trying to soak up every second of it! Snow days have been particularly welcome because I’ve been working on a couple projects for work that require lots of illustrating. Truth be told, it is much easier for me to make pretty things from my home studio with it’s perfect light, a cup of coffee, and Dexter. So on this snow day, I thought I’d share some new work that I’m pretty excited about.

Dexter looking at some of my latest doodles. | Hannah & Husband

First, a peek inside the sketchbook. I’ve started reading T.S. Eliot’s Four Quartets (as part of this challenge), and that second page is covered in some of my favorite quotes. One in particular that has been on my mind…

What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present.

Sketchbook, Coffee, T.S. Eliot | Hannah & Husband

Doodle of DIY supplies | Hannah & Husband

The doodles above represent 4 different styles of some concept art I made last week for DIY Network. It’s so much fun to try different techniques and styles, and I think what we landed on will be pretty rad. You’ll see it this Spring.

Below are some doodles I did for another video I’m working on with HGTV. This one is all about decorating your walls, and it’s been really fun! (You can see the first two videos here.)

Some of the elements for an upcoming video I'm shooting with HGTV on gallery walls. | Hannah & Husband

The silhouette also makes a return in this video. Below is how one of the silhouettes evolved into just the right character. It always takes a few tries.

Evolution of a silhouette for an upcoming shoot with HGTV. | Hannah & Husband

I guess I should get back to it. Hope you have some lovely snow to enjoy wherever you are too!

Wine and Beer Glasses with HGTV

Wine & Beer Videos for HGTV | Hannah B. Design

Over the past couple of months, I’ve been working with HGTV to make a series of illustrated videos that teach basic concepts like what wine glass to use and how to pick the perfect rug. I’ve posted some behind-the-scenes pics on Instagram but today I can post the first two videos!

Fabulous voice-overs by Deanne Revel.

Click here to see more Design 101 on

Click here to see more of what I actually do for a living: Hannah B. Design

Ready for the Weekend?

I know. I know! It’s only Thursday. But I have to tell you, I am sooo ready for the weekend! Tomorrow afternoon, Husband & I will be heading up to the mountains with some of our dearest friends to spend the weekend relaxing by the river. So tonight, I’m putting together a few little goodies for our trip. This, of course, turned into “Why not plan a cute little brunch & post it on the blog?” You’re welcome.


Find a Le Creuset French Press (which I am currently coveting) here.  //  Cute pic of Strawberry-Lemonade muffins from Southern Living. I’ll be the first to admit, I am a sucker for good food-styling! (I don’t even like lemon in my baked goods; I just can’t seem to get enough of that summery pic.)

So tell me… what is your favorite brunch indulgence?
Is there anything we simply must try?

Hello, Gorgeous!

Hello and happy Monday! Today your random links are really just one link. Might I suggest you click on over to The New York Times and read The Author Himself Was a Cat in the Hat.Dr. Seuss & the Mrs. wearing one of his many hats.

This fantabulous photo is from the New York Times.

In retrospect, it is really no surprise at all that Dr. Seuss was a hat man. A hat is, after all, the most whimsical of all accessory choices. I especially loved this quote from his wife….

 “Believe me, when you get a dozen people seated at a fairly formal dinner party,” his widow, Audrey, said in an interview… “and they’ve all got on perfectly ridiculous chapeaus, the evening takes care of itself.”

Doesn’t that just make you want to change your dress code for all house guests now? Looking for a fab new hat for yourself? I found a few that I particularly love over at Anthropologie. They have just the right amount of quirky, don’t you think?

hats from Anthropologie

Looking for a little more Dr. Seuss inspiration to bright up this February Monday?

To learn more about the man: Watch this.

To find out where Seuss got his inspiration: Read this.

Want to hear a really great story? Listen to this.