Good morning! There’s nothing that helps a Wednesday morning like some tunes, right? Here’s the Spring playlist I’ve been spinning this week. Enjoy!
Tag Archives: Music
We made it! TGIF! As you get your brain into weekend mode, here are a few of my favorite things from around the web this week.
I am ridiculously excited about “It’s Me, Hilary: The Man Who Drew Eloise,” an upcoming documentary on HBO by Lena Dunham and Matt Wolf. Hilary Knight has long been one of my very favorite illustrators. I love his style, but I also love that each time I look at one of his illustrations, I find a new detail that adds so much charm to the story.
Jack White has finally “made it.”
Sarah Soloman is one of my favorite twitter-ers. (No, I will not use the word “tweeps.” We are not in a Lindsay Lohan movie.) This week she wrote a guide to “The 6 Different Types of Guys You’ll Date in Your 20s: Preppy Edition” for Town & Country. It is eerily accurate. For our purposes, a line about The Southern Prep…
He has a thing for Famous Grouse and Wild Turkey
in both bird and bottle form.
Disclaimer before we begin: I never listen to Story Corps. If I want my news in the morning with a dose of fun or touchy-feely, I’ll watch the Today Show because then it at least comes with a side of Matt, Al, & Willie. Otherwise, just tell me what’s happening in Washington and what the weather is–please and thank you. But this morning, Obama was on Story Corps with Noah McQueen, an 18 year old White House mentee that’s part of the My Brother’s Keeper program. The conversation is totally worth a listen. And (bonus) this one won’t make you cry; it will just make you really proud to be an American. (cue Lee Greenwood)
Finally, if you’ve ever thought of raising a family in the city, my friend Caryn Schafer shared her story on Design Mom this week. Her insights into motherhood are honest and beautiful. Plus, you’ll find yourself wondering how many books she really does own.
Snow Day Playlist
Cocktails & Carols

Husband (aka the king of selfies)
This weekend was our 3rd annual Cocktails & Carols party, and (if I do say so myself) it was the absolute best one yet. I get so overwhelmed by how blessed we are each year as all of our favorite people get gussied up (the dress is black tie or “festive”) and crowd into our little house to eat, drink, and sing! The group is always eclectic but when you have friends as fab as ours, lively conversation is never hard to come by.
Fun highlights from this year:
Our friend Ross brought a bottle of sparkly and a sword. I tried (& failed) 4 or 5 times to open it myself. Finally our friend Josh jumped in and got it on the first try! So much fun! In related news, if you see me purchasing a sword any time soon, it’s only for opening bottles of bubbly-I swear!
We know super talented people. This year, everyone enjoyed a keg of beer brewed by one of our friends. How cool is that?
Lots of Christmas carols were sung (obviously) as well as a selection of songs from both Disney and Rocky Horror Picture Show. But my favorite selection of the evening was when we all stood around the piano and sang Biz Markie.
In the living room, we had some visual candy running on the television as we played vintage Christmas records. If you haven’t seen the Pee-Wee’s Playhouse Christmas Special, you’re in luck. Netflix just released all of Pee-Wee’s Playhouse–including the Christmas special! Note: I may have to make Miss Yvonne’s outfit for next year’s party!
Finally, the food. Here are a few recipes that were requested:
Husband made Slaughter-style chicken and waffles using my cornbread recipe and grilled chicken dressed with sour cream, cilantro, & jalapeños. Delish!
Clementines dipped in chocolate with bourbon-smoked sea salt
Naughty: Lumps of Coal
Nice: Shortbread cookies with chocolate bows
This year’s signature cocktail was a Cranberry Orange Gin Fizz. But you should always remember that parties in the South involve bourbon–Lots. of. Bourbon. We went through several bottles.
Note to Self: Next year, buy multiple handles.
Sheet Music Garland
Husband and I are both musicians (for example…) so over the years we have acquired a lot of sheet music. While I absolutely adore old sheet music, some have unfortunately been tattered beyond repair. So, in those instances, I say “Repurpose!” As you can see, last week I made this sheet music garland to hang above our archway. (Incidentally, I made too much and it now encircles most of our front room too!)
It was super easy. I simply trimmed off the tattered edges of the music using a metal straight edge and an xacto knife. Then, I cut the music into 11⁄4 inch strips and used a stapler to connect the circles.
Bonus: Because it’s not straight up jingle-linging, it will probably stay up through the winter.
December Essentials
December Essentials:
1. Festive Decking for your Halls.
2. Hannah’s Holiday Playlist
3. Hot Cocoa
We always have a lot of music in our house, but this time of year whether we’re cooking, reading, or making pretty things, there is a 24/7 holly jolly festival of awesome emanating from our speakers. So posted below, you’ll find a Christmas playlist that I would argue is best enjoyed while sipping Alton Brown’s hot cocoa. (His instant cocoa mix recipe is so easy, and we always have a jar on hand this time of year.) Enjoy!
Life Lately
I’m not gonna lie, life last week was a little cray. Now that I am (finally) over being sick there was a lot of work to catch up on at ye old HGTV. (I can’t wait to share some of the crazy-cool stuff going on there, but you’ll have to wait until later this fall.) Things at home have been pretty busy too despite how serene that sparkly and library book look…
This guy. So multi-talented. Some people complain about life being mundane or routine–we’ve never had that issue. In the picture above, he’s game-planning an epic response to the #RockyTopChallenge.
The idea is simple: Pride of the Southland alumni (like Husband) are challenged to sing/perform Rocky Top or give $25 to the Pride of the Southland scholarship fund. (Truth be told, I think everyone is doing both.)
Also on the list of mixing it up a little bit: redoing our entire kitchen. Y’all aren’t even going to believe the before & after photos. Butcher block countertops, penny round tile… I cooked dinner for the first time in the halfway-finished-space tonight, and I felt like I was hosting a show on Food Network.

I can’t even tell you how thankful I am for these guys! They came over to help Husband install the countertops and watching them work together fascinated me.
So yeah, life is both hectic and awesome. A scene we’ve been quoting a lot lately…
Summer Playlist
I have long held this theory that people who don’t feel like their life is fabulous enough are just listening to the wrong playlist. With that in mind, please accept this little musical gift from us to you!
But first: The best thing you’ll see all day…
What’s been playing around our house lately…
Southern Summer Solstice
Today is the Summer Solstice, and I know that in other parts of the country you’re still wearing a sweater on your nightly strolls… But y’all summer has already come to East Tennessee! It was 90°+ all week complete with those familiar, short summer storm bursts as more heat rolls into the valley.
So please accept my wishes for a happy Summer Solstice with this little playlist. It is best enjoyed sipping a gin & tonic (says Husband) or a sparkling water (says me) on the front porch.
Hers & His
Over the weekend, I started reading One-Woman Farm: My Life Shared with Sheep, Pigs, Chickens, Goats, and a Fine Fiddle by Jenna Woginrich. From what I understand, several years ago Jenna Woginrich literally had my job as a graphic designer at Scripps. But after several years of corporate life, she decided to leave the cubicle behind and buy her own farm in Washington County, New York. This book is about her first year on that farm, and (blame the Green Acres complex) I have been completely enchanted with it. She talks very poetically about the tasks that fill her days from one October to the next, but she also describes a completely different way of thinking about time.
Ah NYC, the land of arts & culture… Yesterday in the sculpture garden at the MoMA a garden party was held for 2 of my favorite artists: Maira Kalman & Daniel Handler (aka Lemony Snicket). It was a 1930s-style soiree to celebrate Maira and Daniel’s new book published in partnership with the museum: Girls Standing on Lawns. (You can view some pics from the party on @MoMA_Live‘s twitter.) The book is full of photographs from the museum’s “vernacular photography” collection as well as new original paintings by Kalman and prose by Handler. (I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy!)
I’d also suggest reading this piece on how the book came to be by the MoMA’s Charles Kim.
While we’re on the subject: If you’ve never heard this Fresh Air interview with Daniel Handler, stop everything and listen now.
Need a little enticement? There is an accordion version of a Prince’s “When Doves Cry,” and at one point Mr. Handler references the fact that “And then I hit puberty, which wrecked my career as a boy soprano.” Not to mention the fact that Terry Gross giggles like a little school girl for the better part of the hour.
Maira and Daniel performing an Ode to Libraries…
Thanks to Amazon Prime teaming up with HBO, I’ve finally started “The Wire”. Thanks to a wicked cold last week, I had a lot of time to watch “The Wire”. It’s realistic, gritty, and just as amazing as everyone has said.
Plus–Idris Elba. Speaking of, if you like Mr. Elba and “The Wire”, you must check out “Luther” from the BBC. It is streaming on Netflix. Don’t watch it late at night. You’ve been warned.
I stumbled back across this on the radio the other day and the poem inside hit all the feels. Hindemith’s Sonata for Alto Horn and Piano has a dialogue poem to start the fourth movement. When I performed it on my college recital we skipped the poem (since I played it on saxophone it made a little less sense), but it really stood out to me as I heard the recording.
The Posthorn (Dialogue)
Horn Player:
Is not the sounding of a horn to our busy souls
(even as the scent of blossoms wilted long ago,
or the discolored folds of musty tapestry,
or crumbling leaves of ancient yellowed tomes)
like a sonorous visit from those ages
which counted speed by straining horses’ gallop,
and not by lightening prisoned up in cables;
and when to live and learn they ranged the countryside,
not just the closely printed pages?
The cornucopia’s gift calls forth in us
a pallid yearning, melancholy longing.Pianist:
The old is good not just because it’s past,
nor is the new supreme because we live with it,
and never yet a man felt greater joy
than he could bear or truly comprehend.
Your task it is, amid confusion, rush, and noise
to grasp the lasting, calm, and meaningful,
and finding it anew, to hold and treasure it.