Summer Playlist

"If your life needs more glamour simply change your playlist!" | Hannah & Husband

I have long held this theory that people who don’t feel like their life is fabulous enough are just listening to the wrong playlist. With that in mind, please accept this little musical gift from us to you!

But first: The best thing you’ll see all day…

What’s been playing around our house lately…


5 Quotes You Didn’t Know Were Lily Tomlin

Did you know that September 1st is Lily Tomlin’s birthday? I’ve always been a fan (my mother does an uncanny impression of Edith Ann), but our recent West Wing binge-watching prompted me to do a little googling today. Do you know what I found out? Lily Tomlin has said some pretty brilliant/fantastic/pinterest-worthy quotes over the years. Here are my top 5…

5 Quotes You Didn't Know Were Lily Tomlin | Secrets of a Belle

“Sometimes I feel like a figment of my own imagination.”

“I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.”

“Instead of working for the survival of the fittest, we should be working for the survival of the wittiest–then we can all die laughing.”

“For fast-acting relief try slowing down.”

I always wondered why somebody doesn’t do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody.”


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My mother was right…

Happy Weekending!

Proust is a bit heavy. Might I suggest Vanity Fair’s Proust Questionnaire? To be fair, Marcel Proust did not write the questionnaire rather answered it particularly well in 1890 when it was a popular parlor game. Today, it’s used as a model by James Lipton and Vanity Fair to profile particularly interesting personalities. You can google many of them (here’s a link to the ones on Vanity Fair), and it’s particularly fab weekend reading. On that note, I wish you a very happy weekend!

(P.S. the lingerie is Stella McCartney–my favorite!)

Sweet Spring Days


I like to say that Secrets of a Belle is where I share about “the art of living a more beautiful life.” And while my voice here in Blogland has been a bit quieter for the last couple weeks, life is pretty beautiful at the moment. It’s that perfect time of year in East Tennessee when the weather is just right for bike rides, tennis in the park, and *lots* of picnics. We’ve been experimenting in the kitchen with what comes each Wednesday in our CSA basket, reading several new books, and doing lots around the house. I couldn’t help but think of this quote…

“After all,” Anne had said to Marilla once, “I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string.”
-L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea

Tell me, what’s your favorite simple pleasure of late?



Words Worth Remembering

“Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world.”  ― Voltaire

Normally, I would post a snapshot from our weekend but, quite frankly, I blew up Instagram so I thought we’d do something a little different. After the events of last week, we could all use these wise words.

Springtime on My Mind

Springtime on My Mind | Secrets of a Belle

One of my friends came up to me yesterday and said that he felt Spring coming. Personally, I think it was wishful thinking, but I will admit that I have had Springtime on my mind lately too. I keep being drawn to florals. There may be no flowers outside my door, but they are definitely appearing in my closet. So when I was in Target yesterday and saw these pants, I couldn’t resist! One thing led to another… you know how that goes…

(As a side note, the girl in that picture doesn’t look nearly as happy as that shirt will make you feel. My tailored shirt from Banana Republic is a favorite in my closet right now.)

Now a small disclaimer, my obsession with Springtime may have a little bit to do with our latest site release at work: HGTVGardens! It is such a cool site, and I was super honored to work on the design team. Be sure to click over and take a look!