A Few Snaps from Our Weekend

This weekend, Springtime was in full force here in Easts Tennessee. We spent Friday night and Saturday downtown for the Rhythm & Blooms Festival. The weather was a bit iffy, but armed with Bean boots, coffee, good music, and better friends we had a lovely time.

Rhythm 'n' Blooms Knoxville | Hannah & Husband

Rhythm 'n' Blooms Knoxville | Hannah & Husband

Coffee at Old City Java

Rhythm 'n' Blooms Knoxville | Hannah & Husband

On a recommendation from a friend we saw John & Jacob at The Pilot Light. They were fantastic!


Rhythm 'n' Blooms Knoxville | Hannah & Husband

Alley art in the Old City


Rhythm 'n' Blooms Knoxville | Hannah & Husband

Coffee & tunes at Remedy Coffee



Rhythm 'n' Blooms Knoxville | Hannah & Husband

My new favorite uniform: stolen shirt from Husband, Y’all sweatshirt (the softest ever), and pearls (of course).


Rhythm 'n' Blooms Knoxville | Hannah & Husband

Another coffee stop at Old City Java.


Rhythm 'n' Blooms Knoxville | Hannah & Husband

Our favorite act of the weekend (& the reason we bought the passes in the first place): Shovels & Rope.

Rhythm 'n' Blooms Knoxville | Hannah & Husband

Our own local stars The Lonetones. Our friend Cecilia is the cellist on the right.

Rhythm 'n' Blooms Knoxville | Hannah & Husband

Ben Sollee performing late Saturday night at a rad new venue: The Standard.



Always Be Prepared to Party

Oh please, you know the Slaughters are always ready to party! I like to think of myself as a very sparkly, very crafty Girl Scout. And despite the fact that I quit the scouts at age six after just one year (I felt the crafts were lacking a certain panache), I took the “Be prepared” motto to heart. And so begins a new series here on Hannah & Husband: Always Be Prepared to _________.

Always Be Prepared | Hannah & Husband

So today, I’m kicking off our Always Be Prepared to Party series by peeking into my party drawer. The other day, I was working with my friend Liz (the entertaining editor over on HGTV) on this cool project and told her about an impromptu birthday party we threw for one of our friends one night. Our friend had been working with Husband all day and was coming over to our house for dinner when Husband discovered it was his birthday. Luckily when he called me on his way home, I had everything we needed for a party in my party drawer.


You don’t have to keep everything on hand, but here are a few things we suggest:


Something Festive to Hang (pom-pom garland, crepe paper streamers, a banner of some sort)

Colorful Napkins 

A Killer Cake Recipe (recipe to follow)

A Boogie-Worthy Playlist

A fun way to kick it up a notch? Rather than keeping paper products on hand that will just be thrown away, invest in some neutral small plates that can be used for any occasion regardless of color palette.

Want to really over achieve? Keep your silver polished and be ready to get out that china at a moment’s notice.

So tell us, what are your party drawer essentials?

Weekend-ing Tunes

Happy first weekend of Spring, y’all! I often say that people who feel like their life isn’t glamorous enough just don’t have the right soundtrack. So I thought I’d share what we’ll be listening to this weekend. Enjoy!

Tony Bennett in Concert

On Thursday night, Husband and I fulfilled a little dream of ours: We saw Tony Bennett live in concert. He was playing Andrew Jackson Hall in Nashville on a very, very stormy night. While I felt like the concert hall was sort of modern and cold in design, as soon as he walked on stage, the entire room seemed to warm up. It was amazing to watch an 88 year old come out and command an audience with so much charisma and an amazing set of pipes.

We were among just a handful of youngsters (can you be a youngster when you’re nearly 30?), and we may have been the only ones that were thrilled to hear he’d been back in the studio with his “friend Lady Gaga.” Apparently, they’re releasing an album together later this year because, as he put it, “she needs the money.”

The thing that was so striking about Mr. Bennett was his swagger–not normally a statement I make about 88 year old men. When we saw these tickets, we jumped at the chance because when it comes to musicians in their 80s, you can’t really say, “Ah, we’ll catch ’em next time.” But he seemed to enjoy performing as much as anyone I’ve ever seen. At the end of the concert, he set his microphone on the piano and sang “Fly Me to the Moon” with no amplification just because he was so excited about the fabulous acoustics in the nearly 2500-seat room.

We have several friends that have mentioned recently how unhappy they are with whatever age they happen to be, and it really bothers me. I think every day is exactly what you make it. It’s fascinating to me that Mr. Bennett can sing all these standards, but then enjoy just as much recording with a new artist like Lady Gaga. You have to keep things interesting don’t you? You have to evolve and change. I found myself hoping that when I’m 88, I find just as much joy in whatever I’m doing as Mr. Bennett seemed to find on that stage.  

If you too are interested in seeing Tony Bennett on tour, you can see the full schedule here. 

Koto Sushi, Nashville

One more note: While we were in Nashville, we ate at Koto Sushi Bar, and it was delicious! (We’ve been a little obsessed with sushi ever since watching this documentary, but that is for another post.)

Are there any artists you’d love to see perform in person?

What’s the best show you’ve ever seen?


Hers & His



Have you ever been in the midst of a conversation and thought to yourself, “Am I actually losing brain cells right now? Didn’t I used to be smarter than this?” I felt this way the other night when I was watching the engagement party episode of Parks & Recreation and found myself analyzing the top 5 reasons I thought it was one of the best examples of situation comedy ever. (Seriously: the unity quilt… We’re a twizzlers family…? Come on!)

So when I started reading My Fair Lazy this weekend I thought, “This is soooo the book I need right now!” It begins with the writer, Jen Lancaster, sitting across from her idol, Candace Bushnell who says she’s really into Baudelaire at the moment. Jen wonders, is baudelaire is a type of noodle? At which point, she decides to culture up.

2 Things:

1.) You may remember that I fell in love with Jen Lancaster last fall when I read The Tao of Martha. Now, thanks to my friend Beth’s fabulous recommendation, Jen is officially on my ‘favorite literary people’ list, and I will be reading all of her books in good time.

2.) A warning: Jen’s books are not good for bedtime reading as you will wake up your bedmate with laughter.

Watching (About Reading)

This week, the New Yorker debuted the trailer for B.J. Novak’s first book. As if I wasn’t already excited enough to read this one, Mindy Kaling co-starred in the trailer making those two my favorite BFFs on the inter webs.

Watching (& Eating)

Things I already believed, but now buy into wholeheartedly after a couple days of processed foods while on vacation. Make things at home.



I’ve been rereading a book of essays that I forgot I had already read, and I’m finding it quite forgettable again. Hannah bought me a couple of classics that I never got to in high school that I can’t wait to get to. Perhaps Catcher in the Rye will will finally change my life forever.


I finally started watching House of Cards. I don’t know why I waited this long. Princess Buttercup comes to the dark side to join Congressman Keyser Söze. Inconceivably (see what I did there?) addictive, as Netflix shows have tended to be.


Sometimes you just need to listen to some fun music, and this week NPR released 600 suggestions for your cabin fever playlist. Thanks NPR for the suggestions, but I’ll just stick with Tower Of Power. 

Hers & His

Hers & His 12/10/13 | Hannah & Husband



I am always the first to admit that I’m a huge Disney fangirl. At the moment, that fact is most apparent when looking at my stack of books. After all, what better way to get ready for the December 20th premiere of Disney’s Saving Mr. Banks than to reread all the Mary Poppins books? Don’t tell me I’m alone here!

Will you be reading Mary Poppins before December 21st?

If you want to read along, here’s my list…

Mary Poppins
Mary Poppins Comes Back
Mary Poppins Opens the Door
Mary Poppins in the Park
Mary Poppins from A to Z
Mary Poppins in the Kitchen: A Cookery Book with a Story


Do y’all remember when Lady Gaga used to just waste her crazy on things like giant eggs and Madonna bras? Well this holiday season, she has endeared herself to me forever. Sure her Christmas special with the Muppets was weird, but America loves a girl who will live out her childhood fantasy on television wearing an inappropriately sexy outfit! And, now she’s dressing as a Christmas tree. A CHRISTMAS TREE! Check out the detail shots on PopSugar. Who else wants their own version?


The NYTimes has been putting out some really great short films lately. Last week, I was mesmerized by these star-studded, one-minute films. This week, I am swooning over Joanna Coles’ executive assistant Sergio Kletnoy. If you have ever fantasized about living in Magazine Land, you must check it out!

Hers & His 12/10/13 | Hannah & Husband



Uh, it was championship Saturday. Give me a break. And Go Spartans! (I NEVER thought I would say those words.)

Otherwise, make sure you are following @RealTimeWWII on Twitter. Follow along while they “live” tweet the war. Japan has just bombed Pearl Harbor and the United States has declared war. Whether or not you’re a history buff, it’s worth a spot in your feed.


This is one of those recordings I just keep going back to. Darryl Brenzel’s “Re-(w)rite of Spring” – a jazz rewrite of Stravinsky’s “Rite of Spring”. If you know and appreciate the original, this is going to blow you away. Check it out: http://open.spotify.com/user/123470565/playlist/5vkkn1q7wQxFYUKodHmnZf


Did I mention football? Has Hannah had enough football? Why don’t you ask her how much she loves football?

An Autumn Playlist

Snoopy's Fall Dance

We’re Going To Be Friends – The White Stripes

Going Up the Country – Canned Heat

Down Home Girl – Old Crow Medicine Show

Tennessee Saturday Night – Robinella and the CC String Band

Little Ghost – The White Stripes

Superstition – Stevie Wonder

Trick or Treat – Otis Redding

I Put a Spell on You – She & Him

Season of the Witch – Donovan

Girl Named Tennessee – Need to Breathe

Carry Me Back – Old Crow Medicine Show

Shine on Harvest Moon – Artie Shaw

Autumn in New York – Harry Connick, Jr.

‘Tis Autumn – Chet Baker

Autumn Leaves – Cannonball Adderley

Turn Around – Marian McPartland

Carnival of the Animals – Aquarium – Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 

Autumn in New York – Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong

Hello, Gorgeous!

If you’re a new reader, “Hello, Gorgeous!” posts are a round-up of beautiful, random links that are making me smile this week. Enjoy!

"Follow the leader." Seagrove Beach, 2013

I have to admit, we couldn’t have picked a better week for our little beach trip. A day & a half back to work and then a long weekend? Don’t mind if I do! There are a few things that made me smile this week while laying on the beach or riding in the car and today I just wanted to share a couple with you.



Last week, Ellen Foord tweeted about Valerie June’s song “Tennessee Time,” and I have been hooked ever since. Valerie June’s voice is both beautiful and haunting–just perfect for a little weekend listening.


Also, might I suggest taking a moment of silence in respect of her fabulous hair?

… {silence} …

Thank you.

Read It: Jen Lancaster's The Tao of Martha


My friend Beth has ridiculously awesome taste in books. It’s so good in fact that three of my most recent choices have been her recommendations. (Thank heavens she’s in Book Club.) After working together for a couple years, we are just now getting to know each other better so when she suggested Jen Lancaster’s latest book The Tao of Martha and I literally squealed, it caught her a little off guard. (She had no idea about the Martha idolization… probably for the best.) She had thought I would be excited about the subtitle “Why I’m Never Getting All of That Glitter Off of the Dog,” because of my well-publicized glitter ban following the great giraffe glittering of 2012.

Anyway, Jen Lancaster is quickly becoming one of my favorite writers, and I’m pretty sure we could be super fabulous friends in real life. You know, those quirky girls who have adorable lunches at nice restaurants and then drink too much and go home to glitter the Kitchenaid mixer? That could be us! I think she should be our first celebrity guest at a Book Club this Fall, don’t you?!

Check out the Tao book in which she documents her year of “living,” and then check out her blog: Jennsylvania. I could write a whole treatise on the book–she’s hilarious, she’s laugh-out-loud (aka not allowed to read in bed when Husband’s trying to sleep), she’s personal and relatable, her husband Fletch is a saint… yada yada  yada. Instead, let me just tell you that she inspired me. I love how she summarized things on the Today Show, and, coincidentally, in the last chapter:

“You have to try. You can’t fail, if you don’t try. And there were some things that went horribly awry but the things that didn’t were shocking…”

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Style File: Hello, Dolly!

I’ve had Hello, Dolly! on the brain ever since Barbra’s birthday a couple of weeks ago. The thing is, once Barbra gets stuck in my head, she is going to live there for quite sometime. For those that know me, it will come as no surprise that Dolly Levi is a personal hero of mine. And, to be honest, I think there are quite a few lessons about being a strong, independent belle that the matchmaker from New York can teach us. So here goes…



Know what you’re good at, and work with it.

Dolly Levi: Arranger of furniture & daffodils.

Dolly Levi: Social introductions arranged in an atmosphere of elegance & refinement.

Dolly Levi: Twenty-eight and three-quarter year old store clerks taught to dance.

Dolly Levi: Expert mandolin instructions arranged. 


Style File: Hello, Dolly! 1969


When in doubt, put on your Sunday clothes.


Style File: Hello, Dolly! 1969


Always make an entrance.


Style File: Hello, Dolly! 1969


Know how to find your light.


Style File: Hello, Dolly! 1969


Don’t be afraid to get what you want.

Forget reading “Lean In,” Dolly Levi can teach you everything you need to know. Expect only the best–in food, in dress, & in men.


Style File: Hello, Dolly! 1969


Alone Time is OK

If your man decides he wants to go out & play with his friends, choose to find it adorable…


Style File: Hello, Dolly! 1969


And if, while he’s gone, you see a parade…

Then, jump right in the middle. (Dolly did it long before Ferris Bueller.) Remember, when one makes a habit of walking down crowded streets, one is never without a back-up ensemble.

Style File: Hello, Dolly! 1969


Finally, exercise your flair for the dramatic.

Sometimes it’s good to remind your man what he’d be missing if you weren’t by his side singing Barbra ballads every night.


My Love Affair with Ella

Ella Fitzgerald, birthday

It was on this day, in 1917, that the First Lady of Song graced the earth with her presence, and so I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to tell you 2 stories about how Ella Fitzgerald has made my life more beautiful.


It starts in the mid-1990s when my parents and I moved to East Tennessee and the next couple years proved to be those weird, awkward ones between elementary kid-dom and the unmistakable hormonal rage all middle-school girls possess. On top of that, I was a pretty quiet (to those who didn’t know me), sheltered kid who spent a lot of time reading and not so much time listening to the Backstreet Boys. I had several friends in the neighborhood I liked to play with, but I really loved just hanging out with my parents. And I was pretty sure (as I still am) that I was born in the wrong era.

So one summer, while vacationing in Ocean Isle, my parents got me this cd that changed the entire course of my life forever; it was a compilation of the best of Ella Fitzgerald. Suddenly, I’d found a music that was mine. I carried my disc man everywhere listening to the songs play over and over until I could recite all the words to “A-Tisket, A-Tasket” and every bit of skatting in It Don’t Mean a Thing. I listened to that cd when I was happy, when I was sad, when I was moody–anytime I didn’t know what I wanted to listen to, I put on Ella.

There’s something about her voice that I can feel in my bones, do you have any musicians like that?

Fast forward, almost 9 years. I was finishing up my junior in high school, still pretty awkward, still listening to music none of my friends knew, when a *handsome* curly-headed boy that had started coming to our church and playing piano with me in our worship band. People had been trying to set us up for months and, both being quite stubborn, we’d respectfully declined and instead opted to pester one another in what was, I’m sure, a very annoying display for everyone around us.


Finally, one night after church, when the parents were out of town so there was no one to ask us questions, we decided to go out to dinner. The evening went off without a hitch: no dead air, not too many awkward pauses. Finally, on the ride home, the conversation turned to music.

“What music do you listen to?”

“Probably nothing you’ve ever heard of.”

“I know a lot of music. Tell me, what is it?”

“Don’t worry about it. You wouldn’t know any of it.”

“Seriously, you’re being ridiculous. What’s in your cd player right now?”

“Ella Fitzgerald.”



“Yep. Do you know who that is?”

“I named my dog after her.”

I am happy to report that next Saturday will make 10 years since that night, we have an adorable pup namaed after another jazz great (Dexter Gordon), and we still dance in the kitchen to Ella on a regular basis. So on this, her birthday, I gift you with this little mix I made of some of my favorites from the Queen of Jazz in hopes that they brighten your iPod and your week…

Click here to listen on Spotify.

Are there any musicians that you connect to like this? Anyone I should add to my playlist this week?