We’ll check back in with a video this afternoon. But for now, how about a little Marilyn and a cup of coffee to start your Monday?
I know. I know! It’s only Thursday. But I have to tell you, I am sooo ready for the weekend! Tomorrow afternoon, Husband & I will be heading up to the mountains with some of our dearest friends to spend the weekend relaxing by the river. So tonight, I’m putting together a few little goodies for our trip. This, of course, turned into “Why not plan a cute little brunch & post it on the blog?” You’re welcome.
Find a Le Creuset French Press (which I am currently coveting) here. // Cute pic of Strawberry-Lemonade muffins from Southern Living. I’ll be the first to admit, I am a sucker for good food-styling! (I don’t even like lemon in my baked goods; I just can’t seem to get enough of that summery pic.)
They say that things in the South move at a slower pace. That we tend to take things as they come and appreciate the moment we are in, be it sitting on the front porch sipping tea or having Sunday lunch with the family.
However, I have a tendency to contradict this on a regular basis, which is one of the reasons Husband is so good for me. He regularly reminds me to slow down and breathe. To appreciate the moment we are living. And, to appreciate the processes that bring about the things that we love. The latest of these things? Coffee.
In February, one of our Valentine’s Day gifts was a coffee grinder you turn by hand and a French press. It has transformed our mornings.