Today I was reading this post (which is great btw: “Ina Garten On How to Run a Business and Do What You Love”) on This inevitably led to a YouTube search that ended with [Ina on] CBS Sunday Morning as YouTube searches often do. I think it must have been because it is Friday, the day that ushers in the weekend, but this time I noticed something new. So here is my “Marriage Advice Courtesy of Binge-Watching Ina Garten.”
You know how Ina is often waiting for Jeffrey to arrive at the end of her shows? “Roast chicken… Rosemary… When Jeffrey gets home… I hope Jeffrey likes it… Pours white wine… Jeffrey!” He’s practically become a character himself.
Did you know they met when she was a teenager? She quotes him with a smile and a laugh anytime she’s interviewed, which today made me think…
Marry someone you can’t wait to come home to.
Also, it doesn’t hurt if they do dishes.
“It’s all any of us wants, to find a nice person to hang out with ‘til we drop dead. Not a lot to ask.” Lorelai Gilmore character from ‘The Gilmore Girls’