Hello, Gorgeous!

If you’re a new reader, “Hello, Gorgeous!” posts are a round-up of beautiful, random links that are making me smile this week. Enjoy!

I have tried very hard to reign in the fact that I am a Disney fanatic for the purposes of this blog. But this little short had me at hello, and I just couldn’t resist sharing. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the modern feminist movement and the tension that still seems to exist over ‘having it all,’ the definition of beauty, etc. etc. I’ll probably write about that at some point when my thoughts are a bit more organized.

In the meantime, I *love* the message of this video. I love how Disney is redefining & evolving a franchise so near and dear to my own heart, and helping little girls put value on things that really matter: bravery, loyalty, family, kindness… Enjoy!



This week in honor of MyPlate’s 2nd anniversary, the First Lady shared some of her favorite recipes on Pinterest! I’ve printed off a few to try and you should too!

I'd love to know who did this painting I found on Pinterest. Any ideas?

I’d love to know who did this painting I found on Pinterest. Any ideas?

:// Update on the paining above: A reader with a keen eye let me know that the above painting is actually a card from Black Olive Studio’s Hothouse collection! Isn’t that lovely? //:

Scientists in Great Britain have actually proven that a bit of bubbly really can boost your brain power. (Read all about on Forbes.com) You’re welcome, America!

illustration by Golden Cosmos for the NYTimes Book Review

illustration by Golden Cosmos for the NYTimes Book Review 

Looking for some summer reading ideas? I really enjoyed reading “What I Read That Summer” in the New York Times Book Review last Sunday. It’s a collection of short essays by famous authors about literary memories, and it is really beautiful.

Finally, were you sucked into Arrested Development’s Season 4 on Netflix for the past couple of weeks? Check out these 2 clips…


*Happy Sunday!*



4 thoughts on “Hello, Gorgeous!

  1. Favorite Disneyland story from our most recent trip:

    We were standing near the line to see Tiana (Frog Princess Princess). A little black girl was standing in line and when it came time for her to meet Tiana she was very hesitant. She stood at the end of line not moving forward. She then began to have tears well up in her eyes. Tiana asked “What’s wrong?” The young girl responded “I never knew I could be a princess too.” At this, the entire cue was welling up. Tiana pulled the young girl in for a hug.

    Magic y’all.

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