Last week’s travels brought not just a visit to High Point Market but also a stop in Asheville. While there, I stepped in to a beautiful shop filled with kantha-stitched quilts, linens, and this soap. I mean seriously, you wouldn’t expect me to pass up that packaging would you? I mean I’ve never tried eggwhite soap but between the typography, the little girls, and the price tag of $5, I could only assume it would change my skincare routine forever.
So I brought the lovely package home, instagrammed it (obviously), and then proceeded to actually open the box. As I said in my instagram, it smells like raindrops on roses and Julie Andrews running through the Alps (in the nun habit, not for her life).
So here’s the deal: You lather up this little bar and put the lathered soap on your face as a mask. Let it sit for 5 minutes. Then, rinse it off. I’ve used it a couple times now and have really enjoyed it. It felt like it really cleaned my pores, but it doesn’t feel goopy or contain elements that I can’t pronounce (my latest beef with the entire skin care industry). I also love the smell of chamomile, which is an herb that’s known as an anti-inflammatory when used on skin.
So I started doing a little research and apparently this little magic bar came over from Sweden. It’s meant to mimic the benefits of an actual mask made of egg whites that has been used for years all over the world. Bonus: it’s said to be a favorite of the Queen of Sweden. (OMG you guys, she’s JUST LIKE US.)
Read a little more about this thing I didn’t know was a fad here and here. You can also order some for yourself by clicking here.
So am I just totally late to the party on this one? Have you tried Eggwhite Soap or an eggwhite mask? What did you think?