You know that feeling. There are so many men surrounding you. However will you choose? Grace Kelly dealt with it in High Society. Julia Roberts had her pick in Runaway Bride. Cameron Diaz experienced it in every single movie she’s ever been in. But poor Judy. I will never understand who says, “Let’s just be friends” to Peter Lawford. No excuses Judy. Nonetheless, this being Easter week, I thought Easter Parade would make for a much better Style File than the Prince of Egypt. So here goes, a few lessons to be learned this Easter week from the classic.
1.) First a little mood music. (Fun Fact: Husband endures me singing this song each time our toes touch 5th Avenue in New York… or any other monosyllable avenue for that matter.)
2.) Learn how to confuse children. I have a feeling this skill will come in very handy should Husband and I decide to reproduce.
3.) Know how to draw an audience. If you can’t do it on your own, you have two choices:
One: Wear something outlandish and find very large accessories.
Two: Make ridiculous faces.
4.) Humility is handsome. “I’m just a fella… a fella with an umbrella… a fella with an umbrella that also happens to be a Kennedy in-law with a killer accent from across the pond who hangs out with the rat pack on the weekends and is known for my devastatingly handsome good looks. You know, just a fella.”
5.) Have key pieces in your wardrobe that are ridiculously over the top. Might I also suggest practicing your “What? This old thing?!”
6.) Wear hats–hats & furs. I’m sure you know this, but some things bear repeating.
7.) When dealing with men, you might as well just take charge. Grab the man you really want, dress him up, and take him out. If, in the end, he offers you diamonds, you’ll know you’ve done something right!