Has this week been as hectic for you as it has for me? Now granted going to bed too late and still choosing to stay up and squeeze in just one (three) chapter (chapters) of Mindy Kaling’s book probably wasn’t the best decision to make three nights in a row. But it’s times like this when I remember being in my childhood room reading the Boxcar Children with a flashlight until the wee hours, and I think, I’m a grown-up!
Being a grown-up is pretty awesome.
You know what else is awesome? Videos about interior design filled with my funky doodles! Ok, so that was a weird transition, but we’re just going to go with it because I updated my portfolio this weekend!
You can now see peeks at 3 hand drawn videos I did for HGTV in collaboration with Scripps Productions on my site… alongside a lot of my other work. But the concepts for these videos were so cool that I just had to share them here too.
The first will teach you how to hang your own gallery wall! And, fyi, there is an adorable unicorn trophy involved.
Always be a unicorn.
Click here to watch the video on HGTV.com
The next video introduces you to five patterns from around the world that you see everywhere but may not know much about. My favorite part of illustrating this one was painting that NYC coffee cup; it’s the little things.
Click here to watch the video on HGTV.com
Are you thinking about buying a new rug? “How to Choose the Right Rug” is such a great primer! Whether you’re worried about the material or the size/shape, this one leads you through the choosing process with cut paper and hip furnishings.
Click here to watch the video on HGTV.com
If you’re interested, you can see more of my work on my professional site: hannahbdesign.com